Mini Double Number Table Confetti Bouquet or Latex Bouquet It's Just A Dinner Bouquet
Looking for a table arrangement that's nice, but not too big?
Something that's easy to transport and still looks like you made an effort. This is it!
You choose the colours & number and we will look after the rest.
This package includes
2 x 40cm air filled number balloons with your choice of number & colour mounted on a mini balloon base,
1 helium bunch of 3 latex balloons, with 1 confetti 40cm 16" balloon on top and 1 45cm foil
2x 40cm air filled number balloons with your choice of number & colour mounted on a mini balloon base
with a bunch of 5 latex balloons
Balloons are attached to weights and come in a balloon bag for you to transport easily.
Float time is approx 2-3 days
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